Who We Are

Rosie & Chris 2023

Rosie & Chris I suffer from PTSD & clinical depression. As a child, I went from one abusive situation to another; at 17, I declared my independence from all adults. I'm glad I could escape from the nonstop abuse; the first 17 years of my life were torturous. I'm grateful to have survived."

I'm proud of the changes I have overcome; until I was 23 years old, I always looked down at the ground avoiding all eye contact with other people. I'm grateful I was able to break that behavior. I still need help with other things that Rosie assists with.

Rosie is my third Service K9. Me and Rosie are a team. The bond we have is incredible. I swear that she is a gift from God.

I have tried many methods for dealing with my PTSD & clinical depression. My service K9 is by far the most effective and life-saving.

Getting a fully trained service, K9 is typically $30,000 – $40,000; Upfront. The waiting period can be up to two years. Neither of these is an option for me. I decided to train my dogs to become my Service K9.

I created this site to help others who want to train their dog to become a Service K9 too,

Our Team

We use a three-part positive training. It's practical and fun!

We go beyond dog obedience training, Treat your dog and yourself to the best relationship possible with positive training. With positive training, we simultaneously train obedience and create an extraordinary bond.

Obedience training

We cover both basic and advanced obedience training. A service K9 obedience must be beyond average. We offer free training videos and resources for obedience training: puppy socialization, basic manners to advanced off-leash scenarios, focus, and control techniques.


When you train together, not only is there unspoken language built between you through words, hand signals, and other methods, a bond is formed, which brings us to step two.


An Intense Bond Between Handler & Service K9

The bond between a service K9 and its handler is one of the closest. They are genuinely interdependent and have an intense daily relating not found in most pet relationships. Bonding is the foundation for the working and personal relationship between a service K9 and its handler.


A service K9 and its handler are a team. With successful bonding comes trust and confidence, thus giving the service K9 the right environment to perform its tasks accurately. The partnership is successful when there is a bond.

Task Training

I got your back

Rosie is being task trained to help me with PTSD and Clinical depression; she provides the following:  

  • Tactile Stimulation.
  • Hyper-Vigilance Reduction – Crowd Control. 
  • Night Terrors Interruption – Co-sleeping. 
A study looked at changes in the PTSD Checklist, a symptom self-report measure from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, among veterans with PTSD who used service dogs vs. veterans with PTSD who did not use service dogs. The service dog group showed benefits, including lowered depression, higher quality of life, and improved social functioning.

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